



  1. Partnerships: All Showcase Divisions will be designated as one male and one female partner unless specifically designated as a same gender division.
  2. Time for Showcases:  All Showcase Routines (ProAm, Intermediate, Amateur or Professional) should be no less than 1.5 minutes and no more than 2.5 minutes long. This includes optional entrance and/or exit music.  These Time Limits apply for all Showcase routines in all Styles of Dance.  Couples will have no more than 20 seconds to get into place for performance.  Any choreography prior to the beginning of the music will be counted toward the overall timing of the performance.  Likewise, dancers will have a maximum of 20 seconds at the conclusion of the performance to exit the floor..
  3. Props are not allowed.
  4. “On1”  and “On2” Showcase Divisions:  One foot must remain on the floor at all times even during tricks. If both feet of either partner leave the floor via the assistance of the other partner, it will be considered a lift and there will be a 10% deduction from the final score. A maximum of 3 tricks/dips or flares are permitted for the routine. A maximum of 8 bars/32 Beats/4 counts of 8 are allowed for continuous turns. More than this will result in a penalty of 10% off the final score.


Cabaret Divisions:  

  1. Salsa Cabaret Division:  Tricks are allowed. Couples can choose to dance either On1 or On2, but must maintain consistent timing for the duration of the routine. Recognized timing for this competition is 1-2-3, 5-6-7. Routines must be 50% recognizable salsa. The remaining 50% can be made up of tricks, flares, dips and side by sides (shines).  
  2. Team Divisions: May utilize actual lifts and overheads. The same rules apply to this division as the Cabaret Division. Routines must be 50% of the dancing style..  Amateur Teams must consist of All Amateur/Student Dancers. Pro Am Teams can have a maximum of 50% Professionals.
  3. Music Format:  Music for all Showcase Performances to be supplied via email to kayadeejay@gmail.com as an MP3 File.  Music will be reviewed and competition lined up in order to be drawn at the competitors meeting.  Please see our Information regarding music by clicking on Music MP3  File  Guidelines as written above. and age group) You can add a link or something to read: all Music must be submitted with the competitors name, Division, Category 
  4. Continuous/Multiple Turns:  Contestants are allowed a maximum of 8 Bars/32 Beats/4 Counts of 8 are allowed for continuous turns.  More than this will result in a penalty of 10% off the final score.
  5. Costumes: Costumes are required.


General Rules:

  • No responsibility for loss or theft of articles left in Changing Rooms, Ballrooms, or Hotel Rooms can be accepted by the Organizers, or Hilton Hotel and neither can they be held liable for injury sustained by persons attending this event. Everyone attending does so at his or her own risk.
  • This event may be photographed by video, photography, or other methods. All persons attending this event may be photographed and, by their presence, waive any claim related to the use of that photography and the rights of any copyright, privacy or publicity associated with said photography. Vivelo Latin & Ballroom Championships and its organizers reserve all print, electronic and broadcast rights and reserve the right to use any and all photography taken at our events for future promotional purposes.
  • Private videotaping is not allowed at any time during the competitions without express permission from the organizers. Violators may be asked to leave the competition ballroom or have their cameras confiscated until after the competition. Professional videographers and photographers will be available.
  • Entry waivers for minors must be signed by a parent or legal guardian at the Registration Desk.
  • Entries consist of a completed online entry form, signed waiver (if applicable), and payment in full. Incomplete entries will not be processed. Entries received after March 31, 2023  will be accepted at the discretion of the organizers if space and time permits.
  • Registration Deadline: March 31, 2023 – Please fill out all online forms and payment in full. Personal and studio checks as well as credit cards will NOT be accepted at the competition. Any payments after the deadline must be made in the form of Visa or cash at the Registration desk with the organizers approval.
  • Cancellation/Refund Policy: Credit or partial credit toward entry fees for the following year may be considered at the sole discretion of the organizers in cases of emergency only when notified prior to the start of the competition. Canceled entries taken at the event cannot be substituted by another entry and no refund will be made on such a cancellation.
  • There are no refunds or exchanges on general admission tickets.
  • Changes or additions to entries will be accepted at the sole discretion of the organizers.
  • There will be no substituting of a student with another student during the event.
  • All entries must be complete, and all fees paid before competitor numbers are issued and before competitors are allowed to dance.
  • The organizers reserve the right to modify the final schedule if necessary. 
  • Competitors must be in the ballroom 30 minutes before their scheduled showcase and in the “on deck” area a minimum of 3 showcases before their scheduled presentation. Events will not be delayed for latecomers.
  • Divisions  with less than 3 entries may be canceled or combined across Genre, age and/or gender divisions. 
  • The judges’ decisions will be final. No competitor shall question or harass a judge about his or her personal marks.
  • Competitors shall conduct themselves in a civil, sportsmanlike manner at all times while on the competition premises.
  • The organizers reserve the right to reject entries from competitors who have previously violated rules of conduct